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Accelerated Training Technique

RichBrows ATT (Accelerated Training Technique) is as different and extremely effective approach to learning new practical skills in the field of beauty. It’s created by RichBrows and at the moment we use it with three different courses: Brow Extension Course, 3D Brow Design course and LashLift training. As lots of people have asked us tons of questions about that we decided to add a section to our site where we answer the most populars ones.


What makes courses with ATT different from others?

We believe that there is a huge difference between trying to learn something on your own (or practically on your own) or training it with a professional following a specific strategy that enables acquiring the critical skill-set of the trade in a minimal amount of time. Most certainly there is a place and time for online learning or learning in large groups, however when it comest to wanting to become true professional, we have found that it needs another sort of approach. RichBrows ATT is different because: 1) The group is very small - max 3 students; 2) the training consists of practical real-life situations; 3) each participant is required to complete tasks under personal supervision of the trainer; 4) each student can choose her individual strategy; 5) participants get tested throughout the class. In a word it is totally different approach to learning that is according to the feedback from the participants much more intense, organized and practical.


What is wrong with online learning and learning in large groups?

There is nothing wrong with those approaches, however as we said, it just takes a lot more time to reach the similar understanding of the material when you use those and in most cases neither of those approaches guarantees the skill-set you get with ATT. Why? Basically you can compare recorded online course to reading a book about riding a bicycle and studying in a large group to watching someone ride a bicycle and getting an occasional chance to try it. ATT means intensive ride together with a professional that spots all your mistakes the moment you make those and basically just helps you constantly reach new levels when it comes to developing yours skills. It's very personal mentoring that is done in an utmost open, direct and point-blank way enabling to cover the amount of material that is usually covered in days, in hours. So, in a word, there’s time and place for everything and if you are after being able to provide the service you learn yourself as soon as humanly possible then you get a vast advantage when it comes to ATT.

Another major advantage of ATT that most participants have mutually agreed upon is related to passing on the skills to another person. Using the ATT approach the whole process is so well structured and clearly organized that the participant is able to teach another person many times faster and more easily than before. And as teaching is an integral part of deepening the skill-set learnt with ATT we actually encourage our students to pass on certain skills (and skills about learning) to their colleagues and co-workers.


Where did the ATT come from?

ATT is created and developed by RichBrows New York. How? First of all, there's a billion books written about accelerated learning, however there's very little data when it comes to beauty skills training in an accelerated mode per se. So how did we get started with this approach? As it so often happens, first there was a problem. Namely, the participants in larger groups (and on online training) just kept on repeating the mistakes that could have been spotted much earlier if the trainer had seen how those people learn the skill. Making certain mistakes repeatedly usually lead the participants either building on those (generally making the end-result even worse because it was harder to correct) or not developing the courage to even move on with more difficult tasks.

When you add to that the very different base-skill-set that the participants of such courses have, you get a better idea how different were the learning curves of our clients. Thus we had to start a typical meta-process: we began learning about how beauty pros learn new skills. As a result of that we were able to identify the most common obstacles that prevent a student from moving on to practicing more difficult exercises. By removing such obstacles the student will spend dramatically more time completing real-life situation kind of exercises (and quite often also touching the extremes that would most probably not be possible for quite  a while when it comes to traditional approach) thus learning much faster. We have achieved totally different learning-curves with ATT - this methodology has proven to be remarkably effective.

What are the negative aspects of ATT (if there are any)?

We would not be using this approach in our trainings if there were significant negative aspects to that. However, the following must be said: ATT is a way more intense than ordinary classes. Quite often, in an ordinary class there is no easy way to identify if the training caused a measurable increase in the actual skill-set of the participant. Namely the quality and effectiveness of the course would largely be evaluated according to the materials used (workbooks, videos etc) and the skills demonstrated (usually by the trainer on a model). That does not allow to get a clear picture how different students actually would be using the learnt skills and basically it means that such classes just give an overview of what the student has to learn and practice on her own after returning from such class.

When it comes to ATT we skip the theoretical part to large extent and we are able to spot a far larger amount of mistakes the participant makes when a new skill is introduced to her. By constantly learning from the mistakes and then moving on to harder exercises the participant has to be ready for somewhat unusual directness and speed of feedback related to ATT (that is pretty uncommon when it comes to larger groups). That feels sometimes quite strange to participants (at least at first) and it just may take a while to learn how to learn with ATT :) 


Is ATT just imitating tons of practicing real-life situations?

No, definitely not. Obviously we do practise a lot of real-life situations however ATT is much more refined approach when it comes to training strategies. Namely, it consists of 3 major parts: identifying key-skills, sequencing and connecting. In a nutshell if means that first of all the trainer has broken down each part of the process to easily understandable chunks, identifying wich are the key-skills of each. That allows the participant to get a very simplistic overview of the key-skills that need to be practiced the most. Then the most effective exercises  (and in the right order) are used to enable to participant to practice the key-skills. By seeing what mistakes the participant tends to make on her own the trainer can create new practicing cases that will be used as  additional exercises during the following blocks. Thirdly, the leant key-skills are integrated with the existing skill-set of the student, basically meaning that several relations are found between what the participant already masters and what she has learnt during the course. 

As this approach of key-points (or key-skills), sequencing and connecting is applied to each block of the training, the trainer is able to take the student much further than with the ordinary learning strategies. Thus also the term Extremes comes into play. Extremes are rare real-life situations that require much higher skills that a student would ordinarily learn on a one day beauty-course. However, by experiencing the Extremes the trainer identifies what needs working on and is able to prepare the participant much better for working with the new skill-sets in her everyday life. Thus several students have said that the actual work they do after the class feels a lot easier than the Extremes they experienced at a ATT class. And that is just what we're after with ATT. It's not uncommon nor false to compare that to ultimate training of the marines that often exceeds the range and level of difficulty the participants would experience after the graduation from such training on an actual mission.


Has this really been proven that ATT is 3 times more effective than ordinary learning?

Actually it’s even much more effective. Obviously any sort of evaluation is always biased and inaccurate to some extent. However, when it comes to intensive learning using ATT and ordinary learning we have found for example that it takes a lot less time (a couple of hours) for a student to start practicing hard exercises that could usually previously be reached at the end of a two-day course. Thus there is a significant difference in time. In addition to that another criteria was taken into account when we came up with the “3 X More effective” slogan. Namely the number of mistakes.

The problem with several courses is that nobody spots the mistakes students make and that is very human. There's just not enough attention and time to achieve that. Also the most common learning curve is quite steep and therefore the student will just not start making the so-called “higher tier” mistakes if she has not made enough mistakes (and learnt from those) when it comes to easier base-tasks. Thus we can say that most certainly the number of mistakes (both related to lower level tasks and more difficult tasks) is quite often tens of times higher with ATT. The problem (as you might have guessed) is that with ordinary approach even the possibility to spot those mistakes comes much later when the participant reaches the needed skill-level to start practicing more difficult things (and then she’s usually on her own, which makes both spotting the mistakes and learning from those much harder).

Thus ATT is superior both when it comes to studying time and the level the student reaches learning the new skill. And by the way, that is also the reason we dare to use Bugatti Vayron sports-car in our commercials, representing refined power and speed.

Do I have to buy the One on One version of the training to get it in ATT mode?

No. We use ATT with all our three courses that are offered in English. The difference between a ATT course and 1:1 course is just related to the fact that when it comes to 1:1 there will just be a one professional teacher working with you the whole day. It is the utmost and highest level of mentoring dedication where you existing skills, the skills of the mentor and ATT methodology is put into work. Obviously that allows to achieve even better results and develop absolutely 100% personal strategy that targets your very specific goals.