BrowSwag is a brand that started off making opinionated, expressive and powerful clothing for brow-professionals and has now grown into a trademark appreciated and worn by thousands of other girls who are not afraid to show the world what they are all about as individuals.
The essence of BrowSwag is being a true misfit. It’s about expressing yourself and having the courage to deal with the effect it has on people.
Though it sounds a bit cliche and maybe even far-fetched we do believe that there is a direct inter-relation between your state and the clothes you wear. Namely we believe you choose the clothes according to your core beliefs and values and then after that, the piece of clothing you chose starts to affecting the state you are in. We all know that a shitty choice of clothing can bring you down, the whole world starts looking like on awful place and you tend to notice much more negative. The same mechanics are at work when you put on a fine piece of clothing that makes you just feel good.
A thing as simple as t-shirt can have a large effect on your day. And not only. If you happen to feel differently on that specific day, you may say or do something differently. Let’s say you may find that little bit of extra courage to ask the question you didn’t dare to ask before, defend your beliefs with a bit more confidence or just say what you truly think when the others least expect it. That little situation may become the ignition of a series of events that turn into a life-changing Black Swan, when you look back at it years later. Yes, we believe a that the right message at the right time will change the attitude that changes lives. T-shirts are just a canvas, a medium we use to deliver those messages.
If you feel that you need a little boost yourself or you want to make a person you appreciate to feel better, you are at the right place. All of our shirts and the messages on them are similar in the sense they do their thing. Namely they deliver the message with utmost power, clarity and passion. It’s like shooting with a rifle - you kiss the bullet and load (get ready and put on the shirt), aim (walk to a place where others see it) and shoot to kill (make everyone realize in a second what you are all about). They truly demonstrate what you as a person identify yourself with (as we all know, your identity is just a belief about who you are and that is the belief our messages most often describe). However, as different people are different, the messages differ. Want to know what out lines are about, read on…

Clarity. It has to be clear and easy to understand. We appreciate simple messages that are short and understood instantly.
Meaningfulness. Though short the message has to be loaded with a powerful meaning. It may play on different levels but only if it first plays supremely well on the basic one. In a word it has to contain a whole lot in a couple of words.
Swagger. The message has to have more than just a shock value. It has to have this very special swagger that is hard to describe, something magical that makes people go: wth? and then smile a little.
Thus every shirt has to have a story to tell. As the road from an initial quite often a little bit wickedly crazy idea seed to a shit is long, we have also added the stories of each shirt next to their photos. By reading the story you’ll get the background of the thoughts the designer was playing with when she or he reached the design and also the inspiration for coming up with such a concept. Then you are far better off deciding if that shirt is what you want to identify yourself with.
Secondly, you’ll get a personal card that tells the story of the shirt. First it was personally signed by the designer, however now when the volumes have become much larger we cannot always promise that. However, what we can promise is the following: you’ll get a beautiful message that explains the story of the shirt and what it stands for. This makes it an excellent gift for someone who has the swagger matching the story of the shirt. Don’t take our word for it, try it yourself. People just love getting gifts that have a deeper meaning.
Thirdly, you’ll get some of the magic dust that never wears off. You join thousands of girls who know what they are all about and show it to the world with pride. Every time you put on one of our shirts you’re guaranteed to feel a special vibe because at the very same time a girl just like you is wearing the very same shirt somewhere else feeling sending out and receiving that connection. You are a part of the new much braver generation taking over the word in all of the major cities from NY, LA, Tokyo, Moscow, London, Paris and very many other places.
Look for the patented vertical NEW YORK logo and BROWSWAG emblem.In addition to unprecedented swagger and meaningfulness all our designs are also easily identifiable by the vertical NEW YORK logo. What’s the story behind that? Well, as we said the whole thing got started when we made the first designs for the girls in the brow-business. Many of the creators and co-founders of BrowSwag come from ProBrows that is a company born in New York. But that’s not all. We also believe New York to be the capital of the word and thus we put it on all our shirts. Simple.
Brow Swag emblem. There is a little 2-inch black Brow Swag emblem printed on the upper back side of all the shirts. If you receive a logo with similar design but with no additional Brow Swag emblem then it’s not real, not made by us and nor of our guarantee or future discount policies apply :/ Unfortunately we live in a world where there is not too much creativity and people have made fake copies of our shirts. Always go for the original BrowSwag and make sure your shirt has this emblem on the back.
Contact us at: ProBrows
Or send us an email:browswag@probrows.com
Though it sounds a bit cliche and maybe even far-fetched we do believe that there is a direct inter-relation between your state and the clothes you wear. Namely we believe you choose the clothes according to your core beliefs and values and then after that, the piece of clothing you chose starts to affecting the state you are in. We all know that a shitty choice of clothing can bring you down, the whole world starts looking like on awful place and you tend to notice much more negative. The same mechanics are at work when you put on a fine piece of clothing that makes you just feel good.
A thing as simple as t-shirt can have a large effect on your day. And not only. If you happen to feel differently on that specific day, you may say or do something differently. Let’s say you may find that little bit of extra courage to ask the question you didn’t dare to ask before, defend your beliefs with a bit more confidence or just say what you truly think when the others least expect it. That little situation may become the ignition of a series of events that turn into a life-changing Black Swan, when you look back at it years later. Yes, we believe a that the right message at the right time will change the attitude that changes lives. T-shirts are just a canvas, a medium we use to deliver those messages.
If you feel that you need a little boost yourself or you want to make a person you appreciate to feel better, you are at the right place. All of our shirts and the messages on them are similar in the sense they do their thing. Namely they deliver the message with utmost power, clarity and passion. It’s like shooting with a rifle - you kiss the bullet and load (get ready and put on the shirt), aim (walk to a place where others see it) and shoot to kill (make everyone realize in a second what you are all about). They truly demonstrate what you as a person identify yourself with (as we all know, your identity is just a belief about who you are and that is the belief our messages most often describe). However, as different people are different, the messages differ. Want to know what out lines are about, read on…
Our collections
We’ve got four main lines of designer shirts and here they are with a few words describing the nucleus of each line.

BROW SWAG CLASSIC represents the classic brave attitude every girl should have. It’s our core line that delivers the broadest range of messages that are universally effective in all the fields of action imaginable. The nucleus of BROW SWAG CLASSIC is being able to pick yourself up off the ground no matter what happens. By being a true believer in yourself even if no one else does, allows you to find some indescribable magic every day that helps you to revitalize your superpowers as an unbeatable girl. BROW SWAG CLASSIC sights confidence, power, bravery and endless swagger.

MONEYLINE is a collection that expresses entrepreneurial attitude towards life and business. It’s created by and meant for independent, entrepreneurial, free, wild, brave and gritty women. It’s one of our first two collections and it contains the most items and it become instantly very popular among the girls who were tired of being pushed down. In it’s core MONEYLINE shirts say: I live my own life, I make my own choices, I create my own rules and succeed in life because who I am not because what others do. As I take responsibility for my failures, I’m allowed to take the God damned responsibility for my success, too.

MODEST ME is a collection designed with the spirit of visionaries in mind and largely meant to show where you believe you belong to in this world. As we all know none of the great leaders (such as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs or Donald Trump) ever succeeded by being too modest. Thus (obviously) the name of the line is rather ironic because it actually represents the opposite to fake modesty that is true swagger. In it’s very core the MODEST ME line says: I’m a visionary leader who has earned what I have. I’m standing taller than most but that’s just a fact of life and far less important to me than others might think. Though better than the others, I’m not a poser, I’m here for a reason.

ARTIST AT HEART is a collection that shows love towards what is truly important in life, thus expressing the softer side of the person wearing it. No matter how much money we make, how many followers we influence or what sort of position others consider us to have, it’s all nothing compared to our inner passion - love for arts. Without loving what you do (not matter what sort of art you create) you will only be able to go half the way. It shows instantly if you are truly passionate about the arts you’re in. This line is about creativity, expressions, arts, love and the burning need for changing things one million times until they match the vision you had. It’s about never giving up when the artist in you struggles to find it’s audience and never letting the long-awaited success change your identity.

PURE BROWS is the collection that got the whole thing started. Before hiring other designers we created the first designs ourselves because we were just so tired of the cliche approaches that were printed on t-shirts for brow- and makeup artists. Later on many other designers have joined us designing the shirts for brow-professionals that use various techniques to make girls beautiful (such as threading, tweezing, waxing, microblading etc). As brow-business has essentially been the ignition for all the lines, we are absolutely honoured and extremely delighted that those shirts have been accepted and worn by so many brow professionals all over the plant. PURE BROWS line says: I’m a brow-professional, I love what I do and I am great at it, I know all about the brows and thus I know that it's all about the brows.
Every Shirt tells a story…
If you think that those designs come out of the blue then you’re greatly mistaken. We have many young designers working for us all over the planet and each design has to pass many stages to make it to the shirt. In many cases the initial designer has to present her or his case and only if it is understood, accepted and sometimes even improved by our committee of brow-pros we move on with that.
What standards has the design have to meet to make it to one our our shirts? Thus every shirt has to have a story to tell. As the road from an initial quite often a little bit wickedly crazy idea seed to a shit is long, we have also added the stories of each shirt next to their photos. By reading the story you’ll get the background of the thoughts the designer was playing with when she or he reached the design and also the inspiration for coming up with such a concept. Then you are far better off deciding if that shirt is what you want to identify yourself with.
What you get when ordering a shirt
First of all, you’ll get one very fine hight quality t-shirt. it is made of 95% cotton and 5% elastin that makes it fit you much better than just a full cotton shirt. It is specially designed to women and thus you look much better in it than in unisex shirts. The print on the shirt is of the best quality possible - you can stretch, pull and wash the shirt ANY WAY you desire - it probably lasts longer than the shirt itself. We make no compromises when it comes to the quality or design.
Secondly, you’ll get a personal card that tells the story of the shirt. First it was personally signed by the designer, however now when the volumes have become much larger we cannot always promise that. However, what we can promise is the following: you’ll get a beautiful message that explains the story of the shirt and what it stands for. This makes it an excellent gift for someone who has the swagger matching the story of the shirt. Don’t take our word for it, try it yourself. People just love getting gifts that have a deeper meaning.
Thirdly, you’ll get some of the magic dust that never wears off. You join thousands of girls who know what they are all about and show it to the world with pride. Every time you put on one of our shirts you’re guaranteed to feel a special vibe because at the very same time a girl just like you is wearing the very same shirt somewhere else feeling sending out and receiving that connection. You are a part of the new much braver generation taking over the word in all of the major cities from NY, LA, Tokyo, Moscow, London, Paris and very many other places.
Make sure it it's original!

BrowSwag is a ProBrows brand.Or send us an email:browswag@probrows.com