About Online Trainings
RichBrows New York provides its clients effective, intense and super-practical online trainings. Cutting the long story short it means that you can become a brow-extension pro right now and right here, using your computer as a communication channel to learn from us.
HD quality
Forget the free stuff! We only use the best providers to get a flawless video and audio connection. The solutions that have been tested and practised many times enable us to talk to each other seamlessly with now lags of funny distortions. Nowadays, HD quality is must and with the HD faces technology we can achieve a quality that lets you zoom into each and every details whilst hearing hight quality speech of our trainers.We use two professional cameras to give you excellent close-up look and feel when it comes to doing the brow-job. We know what is important and you - you can see everything in an even better quality that you would in a classroom training.
1. First things first

We will give you an overview of what is going to happen on the training day (although we call it a day, it may be an evening or even late night for some participants :) We have had girls learning together from three different continents once :) ). What are our goals and what can be achieved during the following hours.
What are the rules that are reasonable to follow and agree on what would most definitely enable us to be efficient. Obviously you also get your say and can define what are your personal expectations. And this, by the way, is not just a fancy technique of making you feel that you are involved in the process - we actually do take this into account and very much so.
2. Starting your business

Techniques are super-important, however principles make the actual difference. We'll talk about getting your business started the easiest way. No matter if you are located in the United States or European Union. We will give you practical tips and solid tested advice how to get started.
You'll learn how to set up a website and get pro tips about the ways successful RichBrows technicians have gained a great social media following. We'll give you proven tips how to make supreme photos or movies of your work. Many participants have said afterwards that thanks to this part of the training they have actually managed to fly a real business off the ground and not just create a chick-starter type of friends & family oriented side-project.
3. Trends today and tomorrow

Almost everyone knows what was cool yesterday and many know what is cool today. However, the real question that makes the actual difference in the world of beauty is - what's cool tomorrow. Why do we think that this is so important? Because that's exactly where the money is!
In this section of the training we'll talk about beauty trends in general and brow trends in detail. You'll learn what have been the important milestones in brow-trend history (doesn't that sound profound :) ) and much more importantly - what's yet to come.
4. The business of making a change

What is the business we are actually in? It's the business of making a change. This part of the training covers important basic stylistic part of approaching different customers and understanding what are the dramatic changes in person's outlook once her brows are changed.
You'll learn pro-tips that enable you to offer beauty advice and solutions that exceed the expectations ordinary customers share. Magic can happen and learning the the right tricks you'll get the supreme x-ray vision that enables you to see the best of each of your customer and describe her that before starting any procedures. Sounds kind of crazy, but mastering this part of the course allows you to bring symmetry to a asymmetrical brows, change the way faces of your customers look like and correct much more visual mistakes than you might have believed you ever could.
5. Brow mistakes

You will learn everything about doing the things the wrong way? "Hey, why should I pay for knowing how NOT to do the brow extensions?", may you argue, now. Well, that's needed because knowing what not to do enables you to avoid the mistakes.
Getting things right is basically just eliminating one risk at a time. Learning how to avoid mistakes in each stage of your work enables you to build a solid business. Once again, the principles are important and talking about finalizing the perfect brow without knowing what are the most common brow mistakes, would just be insane. As funny as it sounds, there's also much heavier side to making mistakes with the brows of your client. We'll also learn about different medical conditions that may complicate brow extension placement as well as you'll become a pro-detective to spot the first signs of possible allergies the client may have in relation to extensions. You'll get a punch of pro-tips to ensure the client remains 100% healthy and you'll also learn how to remove the extensions smoothly in a nanosecond if there should be such a need (it happens super-rarely but pros must be prepared for anything).
6. Brow extension tools and strategies

This part of the training is dedicated to pro-tips about brow products and brow-extension tools. You'll learn what are the properties of different products and what pros do differently from ordinary users when using them.
Did you know that the difference when it comes to how long the results last between professionally placed brow extensions and ordinarily placed brow-extensions is 100%? This means that when you know how to do use the tools and products the best way you'll achieve twice as good a result. And we can tell you - customers understand and love that sort of professional approach. You'll learn how to deliver better results so that the clients can enjoy their new brows sooner and longer. For example, not wait for 24h before getting those wet or be extraordinarily careful to keep those on.
7. RichBrows product selection

Now, we are ready to take a closer look of all the products of RichBrows that have arrived in your starting-kit. You'll learn what are all the different extensions all about, what's the primer, adhesive, glue etc.
Basically, as a result of this section you'll know exactly what you need and how you use the products of RichBrow to achieve the exact color and shape of the brow you're trying to create. You'll learn how adhesive works and how you can ensure that you apply the right amount of it, as well as how to combine brow extension products to achieve any color you need. Obviously we'll also cover everything related to RichBrow primer, remover and other products.
8. Workflow from zero to friendship

Now, you are prepared to jump into hands-on practical work! We'll discuss all the stages of serving a customer so that she would be satisfied. Using our signature bulletproof 4-stage model you'll learn not only how to achieve incredible result but you'll always learn how to up-sell additional products.
We are giving you easy-to follow formulas from the moment you meet the customer until she returns. And she returns! This is also one of the sections where we let our HD equipment demonstrate it's power. You'll see actual action, entertaining discussions and practical examples how to handle different customers. Yes, at times it is hilarious, specially when we analyse a couple of scenes from "Office", but most certainly it's not just hilarious. Participants have said that after that section they have a concrete idea how to guide the customer through different states and that makes interaction and your work a way easier and more enjoyable! You make lasting friendships instead of just providing dull service.
Real time training
Why are we different? Because people are different. Of course we could have recorded one long (and hopefully not boring) training and then try to sell it online like many are trying to do. Why didn't we do it? Because girls (mostly girls, altough there have also been guys :) ) that join our classes ar so very different. Their skill-sets differ, their experience differ and thus each and every training day differs to a certain extent. With out real-time training you will get a chance to interact and not just listen or watch passively.And we can see you eye to eye, too which by the way is probably what makes it so cool. Instead of trying to copy a video, you will be given actual tips and drawn attention to the mistakes you make. And you will make mistakes, at least at first... We all did.
9. Eyebrow anatomy and design

Learning to design perfect eyebrows is a crucial part of becoming a RichBrows brow-technician. Depending on the specifics of the facial features of the client there is always a way offer her perfect brows. However, very often it might be pretty counter-intuitive, specially when the customer is used to having different brow design.
This section of the course will teach you to see beyond the obvious and design superb eyebrows for you clients. We'll look into both the principles as well as the practical technologies. You'll get to know the most important things about eyebrow anatomy and growth patterns. After completing this section you'll be flawlessly able to detect different brow-styles, you'll know how to measure a perfect brow shape and how to create new brows even if the client has had those plucked to zero. You'll be able to use the right products that match clients brow color, thickness and curling angle.
10. Practical shaping

There would be little use of just knowing a lot about different brow shapes and sizes in case you do not master the procedure of creating those yourself. Hands on, as we said, and hands on it is! Using an actual model cases we'll demonstrate you how to create different brow shapes.
Everything we learnt in the previous part is now put into practice. We'll analyze concrete people with different facial features and see what different brows would actually look like on them. Basically, it's years of experience detecting the perfect brow mode packed into an intense practical and interactive part of our brow-extension training. Completing this part enables you champion the details of brow extension techniques.
11. Waxing, preparation and sanitation

Yes, it's hands on,once again! In this intense and thorough section of the class we practice waxing and face preparation from extension adding procedure. Sounds easy? Well, there's a huge difference of doing that just well or like a pro. Needless to say, we aim for the second option.
We'll start with how to set up your work-space because there are tons of health issues to take into account and then we'll move on to preparing the client for the procedure. You will get a lot of pro-tips that will end up bringing smiles to the faces of your future clients instead of painful grins. Many of our students who believed that they already know everything about waxing, plucking and preparation have confessed that there's a lot to learn. We share all our knowledge and whilst practicing each part of the procedure allow you to take it all in... And not only! If you enjoy the class with your model, you'll get to practice that on her, whilst we keep you on track, if not, you'll see high-definition step-by-step procedure carried out on an actual model by a RichBrows pro. You'll learn how to ensure that the skin of your client is clear and what is the difference between sanitation and sterilization.
12. Cleaning and placing extensions

Obviously, it's once again super-practical part of our training. Taking baby-steps at first and longer leaps later, you will master the techniques of placing brow extensions. Literally, we will zoom into the level of a single brow hair and see how it is attached to skin or natural brows.
It's absolutely practical, intense and detailed way of mastering the skills of the world-renowned wave-technique. Mastering the technique well may actually cut your brow extension placement time in half! Thus it is absolutely important to know how the tools, extensions, adhesive, your hands and the client should be placed. Obviously we'll also cover setting up the perfect lighting and magnification. Then we'll show you how we do it and after that watch you do that. And you can ask all the questions that come to your mind. It's a way of learning together and doing it in a way that's relaxed and entertaining. Most probably that's also the longest section of the training day.
13. Finalizing and troubleshooting

"Wow, it looks so pretty amazing already, " may you well say looking at the firs brow extensions placed. Yes. And now is the time when we leap from good to great. Finalizing the procedure is as important as all the other steps that have lead us closer to the finish-line.
In this section we'll learn about giving the brow-job the touches that are needed to make it look the absolute best, as well as making it last. In addition to that we'll also look into closing the procedure with the customer, see what sort of stuff to give her before parting and preparing everything so that you two would meet again. In addition you'll learn how to keep the brows of your client healthy when she comes in for re-fills. We'll also cover the most prominent questions that may arise and the see what are the best ways to solve those.
14. All you can ask buffet
Although we give our absolute best each and every time we carry out the class and although it is super-interactive all the way, there might still be something that we missed. A little something that you would like to ask or know in the end. No worries! This can be taken care of and can be taken care of well! At the end of the formal course we'll welcome you to our all you can ask Q & A section. Fire away and get and answer - that's how real brow-pros are made!Emm... that seems to be it. Anyway, in case you have further questions, don't hesitate to start a chat with our support hero or to contact us.

a certified RichBrows brow extension technician.