Hyaluron Pen Online training + Starter Kit – FutureGate.io Google Maps Multiple Markers

Hyaluron Pen Online training + Starter Kit

Comprehensive online training with 50+ pages on learning materials and all the needed contracts, care instructions. Also contains actual training videos. The price includes support + online examination with an instructor. After a successful examination, the student gets an Hyaluron Pen Academy Hyaluron Pen Certificate. According to TOS the online training remains open for 3 months after making the order.

Terms of Service: www.hyaluronpen.vip/terms

 In addition, a starter kit will be sent to the student. The starter kit includes the following: 

- Hyaluron Pen (cosmetic device). Sold as a cosmetic device (not a medical device), to be used according to all local rules and regulations. The user is 100% responsible for meeting all local legislative, hygiene-related, treatment room related etc rules and regulations and/or registering and re-classifying the device locally.
- Towel
- Workbook 
- 5 filler shells for practicing
- 10 x 0.5 ml practicing filler (more liquid, the effect lasts for a shorter time, ideal for practicing on models).


The contents and the cost of the starter kit is distributed as follows: Cosmetic Hyaluron Pen Device (99€), Filler capsules: 5 pieces (19€), Syringe for transferring (9€), Practicing filler (for model practicing) 10 x 0.5 ml (5 ml total) - (49€), Hyaluron Pen Academy  Pen towel (29€), Workbook (high-quality colour printout original workbook - approx 30 pages) - (89€), Student discount code for ordering digital products and other products from Hyaluron Pen Academy  platform / student ID number (39€), user manual (19€), package box (2€).

Please be noted that online training purchases are never refunded (therefore please make sure that you are able to use the skills learned in your region - regarding offering the procedure every student is 100% personally responsible that it meet all local rules and regulations as those differ to a great extent globally).
