Therapy Field Money Program – Google Maps Multiple Markers

Therapy Field Money Program

Therapy Field Money is a psychological approach to understanding and improving a person’s ability to increase earnings. This allows the student to realize what has caused the financial situation he or she is experiencing and what exactly needs to be done to transform it for the better. It is a 7-day training program that has become increasingly popular over time.

Will you start making more money as a result of this training? If you follow through then one of two things happen: you understand the reasons for your financial situation at the moment or you understand those reasons and also take action. If you do what is suggested, you increase the possibility of becoming financially successful many folds.

Parts of the program

1. Obstacles

Preparing yourself and understanding the complexity of your mind. Looking into the mirror, dealing with limiting beliefs about oneself and money. Practical exercises to be constantly aware of the associations and eliminating the negative ones.


2. Beyond being calm

Self-centered approaches and their positive aspects. Understanding the need to eliminate stress. What needs to be added to the self-centered approaches in order to take more practical action. Where do people who love self-centered approaches usually get stuck and how to overcome that?


3. PDPR and principle decision

The pre-defined personal range concept and how it affects your life. What income level will always be achieved and what it takes to make the shift. Practical exercises for generating inner belief in the shift being doable in your personal case.

4. Preparation for a shift

Inter-relations between your identity and behavior. The shift in the persona traits that have to be made in order to make the shift in the income level possible. The searching phase and the growing phase. The concept of 3C-s (capabilities, contentiousness, confidence).

5. Value Vectors

Understanding businesses through the concept of value vectors (rising, stable, declining). Assessment of your assets and forming your personal strategy regarding the value vectors. Replacing declining vectors, searching for, and utilizing rising vectors. 

6. Taking action

Strategies of allocating your time between work, sales, and marketing, research, and development. Constant day-to-day patterns for searching for opportunities and testing the traction. Building brands and maximizing the return on your billable hours. 

7. Growing business

Spotting rising vectors and exponential growth. Forming partnerships. When to approach investors and how to prepare for that (timing, maximizing proprietary assets, proofs of growth, budget breakdown, personal input, valuation). Turning your friend or employer into your first investor.
