6465240333 August 16, 2018 04:16
First of all, the actual brows made by the same user (Sonja Hautala) are excellent and progress to GOLD level on the local map can be expected.
Still this concrete drawing of fillers is pretty poor and can not be used to pass to the next level. Here are the reasons why:
1. Filler lines always must touch the ENDING points of the main lines, not hit those before or not hit at all.
2. The lines can not cross - one filler can not cross with other main line etc.
3. BACKBONE is the most important thing about the brow pattern and it should be clearly seen, noticed and followed.
4. Most lines (main lines and fillers) are headed too high up, those should be directed ONTOP of the backbone.
5. Lower fillers can NEVER cross with upper lines!
6. Fillers can not cross with the main line they fill- filler should just touch the end point and continue to backbone.
We kindly wonder how the same user can make so beautiful brows in real life and make all those mistakes on fake skin. Still, of course, it is a better option than vice versa.